Unprecedented Times, from our District Governor, Savi Bihm
We are living in unprecedented , historic times 
Many times I have been told - "sorry that the year came to a standstill"
  • no it has just taken a different direction. 
  • It forces us to stretch beyond what we thought were our limitations and we are finding that the more we stretch the higher we go  and perhaps the limitations were just in our minds and not our abilities 
What are the opportunities  that lie in this situation that would not have otherwise existed . Maybe it’s using more technology, maybe its the way we connect ., the way we serve   
We are yet to see.
We are a generation that is always on the move  and now  we are forced to stop, reflect, rethink, reset
And when you reset you regenerate and when you regenerate so does the earth - it finally has a chance to catch its breath, to heal . The fog in LA has lifted.
Dolphins are spotted frolicking in the water. The environment  is cleaner - we are all healing together 
And we are all facing the same unknown adversary  . It doesn’t matter your ethnicity , your ideology  , your country  , how important you are.  There is no discrimination in the attack from this virus ,
For over a century the visionaries in  Rotary kept reminding the world - we are connected , we are one , we are one world one Rotary . 
The differences are superficial , the similarities are real and now we see how true this is . We are all tied together and the action of one affects all.  We can only come out of this is collectively, None of us is safe until all of us are safe.
And  although we are all in the same boat . It does not mean that we will all emerge with the same perspective and attitude  
Some of us will emerge as having the worst experience  with hope lost . Yet others will see it as an opportunity for change for new beginnings .
Our thoughts create our reality and what we focus on expands- so lets choose hope 
There is no denying that it can be stressful, it can be scary and it is very  sad for the lives lost . We must grieve our losses but we have to move on , 
Stress has never solved any situation. Most times it is based on anticipated problems - the future - we will  never live in the future . We can only live in the present - now
 Every time fear or worry or panic  enters, stop and think what is wrong with this moment and you will find most time  nothing is. 
When you cannot change the situation then you have to change yourself to deal with the situation. 
Become more self sufficient , live simpler , be more compassionate , invest more time in service 
Do not fear - when fear enters rationality flees
Live in the  moment and look for the positive even if its just a spark and it will expand 
Spend time with yourself, with your family , laugh more , want less 
If you come out of this the way you went in then you would have lost  the blessings of this lesson . Growth cannot happen if we do not have challenges - this is your chance to grow  . Grow strong, grow resilient , Grow kind 
Don’t lose faith, don’t lose hope , stay strong, stay positive  and this too shall pass