Click on the button below to see a presentation of how
The Rotary Foundation invests different types
of contributions (APF & PF/EF)
A. Donations to the Rotary Foundation are made by individuals, Rotarians or not
B. At the time of the donation, the donor can specify that his/her money is to be used for a specific program, like Polio Plus, a 3-H Grant or a Matching Grant. This is called RESTRICTIVE GIVING. Note that the 3-H/Matching Grant must be approved prior to sending the money, and the grant number must be specified on the donation form.
C. The donor may also specify that his/her money will go to the PERMANENT FUND, i.e. the money will be kept indefinitely by The Rotary Foundation, and only the earnings from the money will be spent on Foundation Programs.
D. If the donor does not specify what his/her money is to be used for, this is called ANNUAL GIVING. The money is then kept by The Rotary Foundation for 3 years before it is decided what to do with it. The earnings from the money are used for operating funds of The Rotary Foundation. Note that the donor gets PAUL HARRIS CREDIT recognition for donations to Restricted Giving and to Annual Giving, but not to the Permanent Fund.
E. After 3 years, the money goes 50% to the WORLD FUND and 50% back to the District of the donor, as DISTRICT DESIGNATED FUNDS (DDF).
F. Earnings from the Permanent Fund are also split between the World Fund and District Designated Funds. Note that unless the donor specifies that his/her donation go to the SHARE SYSTEM, the earnings go 100% to the World Fund.
G. The World Fund is used by The Rotary Foundation to fund programs like Polio Plus, 3-H Grants, the matching portion of Matching Grants, and Group Study Exchange (GSE). Each District gets one Group Study Exchange team per year paid from the World Fund.
H. Funds that come back to the District as District Designated Funds (DDF), can be spent on many Foundation Programs like Polio Plus, 3-H Grants, Matching Grants, Ambassadorial Scholarships, additional Group Study Exchange teams, District Simplified Grants (DSG) and Grants for University Teachers. The District Governor, Foundation Chair and District SHARE Committee decide on the allocation of funds. Note that the amount of DDF a District gets for a given year depends on the amount of Annual Giving 3 years before.